Combines excellent growth with tremendous carcass
ENFORCER was the top-selling bull in the 2019 Sunnyslope Angus sale. He was purchased by Spruce Mountain Ranch (Larkspur, CO), Baldridge Brothers (North Platte, NE), and the Conover Family (Baxter, IA), with Sunnyslope Angus retaining an interest.
ENFORCER is in the top 1% of the Angus breed for YW (+162), RADG (+.39), CW (+77), $F (+132), $B (+200), and $C (+339) as of 12-29-2020.
ENFORCER is in the top 2% of the Angus breed for RE (+1.13) and $W (+91).
ENFORCER is in the top 3% of the Angus breed for WW (+82).
ENFORCER is in the top 4% of the Angus breed for $M (+80).
Spruce Mountain Ranch says, “ENFORCER possesses an excellent combination of birth to yearling spread and tremendous carcass numbers that are put together in a moderate, thick-made and eye-appealing package.”
For the most up-to-date performance data on ENFORCER, visit the American Angus Association’s website: https://www.angus.org/Animal/EpdPedSearch.aspx?aid=19274932
For more information, please contact ORIgen:

She is the newest addition to the Whitestone Farm donor program in Virginia (spring 2020).
Do you have any embroys from Enforcer’s dam is S S Miss Daybreak K011 3K17 (#17690480). that you would be wanting to sale?
Marc Grabert
225-936-9078 mobile 24/7
I would be interested in a description of his first calves. We purchased an Epic daughter at Don and Carol Bloom’s dispersal due in January to Enforcer. We are very excited about this mating. Thanks, Kurt